Quote of the day

Quote of the day~
" A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."
John Lubcock (English Astronomer)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day Thirteen-Get Rear in Gear

Create a better tomorrow by making the most of today.

I feel like I could just end there. That simple statement is powerful, isn't it? But sometimes we don't always know how to do that, or we do and just plain don't feel like it. So, here are some tips to getting a great start on your day and get your rear in gear!!

Getting up early seems like the obvious first choice for getting a jump on the day. Getting up before the kids do allows some time to yourself. You can go on a nice walk, get a jump on the housework, or just enjoy a quiet moment before the chaos begins! Sometimes, as full time moms whole days can go by without any time to ourselves. This would be one way to get some me-time. BUT, and this is a big but, know yourself!! I am NOT a morning person!! Every time I make a goal like this (and I have tried this a LOT), I get up early, get a ton done, and then I am exhausted by about 2:30 and I end up taking a nap, and ignore the kids the rest of the evening. So, for me it works to get up at the same time as the kids, and then take my time after they go to bed. And strangely I am not tired once they are in bed. I get to be me! And that is exciting.

If you can make the early morning work for you here are some tips to make it a little easier. First, reward yourself! Buy something special for yourself that will help motivate yourself. A new workout outfit, A special breakfast cereal, or snack, heck, treat yourself to chocolate! Whatever will motivate you to get out of bed.

There are a lot of benefits to getting up early. It not only awakens your body, but it awakens and sharpens your mind. It gives you time to organize the rest of your day and maybe do some breathing exercises before facing the inevitable messes of breakfast, finding backpacks, shoes, and/ or homework. It will help you to have the patience to deal with all of this patiently so that your kids are going to school with a smile and hug from mom instead of "You're going to be late!! Get a move on!" the kids that are staying home will behave better when you are in a good mood, and the whole day will go a lot smoother. Exercising during this time not only helps you get in shape, but energizes you, so again you can keep up with those kids!! It also improves your immune system so that you stay healthy, specially with flu season coming up.

When starting an exercise program, think about the frequency you want to do it. A good starting point is three days a week. once this becomes a habit, increase the frequency a little at a time until you are where you want to be, whether that's five or even seven days. Be aware of the intensity of your workouts. You don't have to sweat bullets, or pull a muscle to have a good workout. The only thing that has to be done is that your heart rate gets elevated, and that you can still talk easily during the workout. Walking is ideal for this because you can gradually increase the intensity, and even carry hand weights. Lastly, how much time can you spend? When just starting out, about twenty minutes is ideal. Then increase it gradually as you fitness level and enjoyment increase. In speaking of exercise, choose something that pushes you a little, that you can build on, and is FUN! I am a yoga freak, but haven't been able to find any classes that I can afford at the times I am available to do them. So I looked on Netflix. I found a whole series of different exercise videos from yoga to pilates, and cardio to weight training. The best part about them is that they are all broken down into 10 minute segments!! So I can choose today lets do ten minutes of abs and ten minutes of yoga for flexibility. I get a great workout in just 20 minutes, and I can do it in my jammies!

The hardest part, however, is staying motivated. In fact, it is impossible. The only way that any change sticks, is by little bits and keeping the end goal in mind. In a word, determination! Determination comes into play when every obstacle in the world stands in your way and you are so focused on your goals that you grit your teeth, close your eyes, and do what needs to be done. Motivation is feeling compelled to do what you should. Determination is doing it even when your not motivated.

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