Quote of the day

Quote of the day~
" A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."
John Lubcock (English Astronomer)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day Five- Connect With Your Spouse

Good afternoon! It has been a busy couple of days, and I thought today I would share a little of how I am doing on the tasks. I have to say that some of it is coming along great, but I am really struggling with some of the rest. I have decided that I am definitely NOT a morning person. So, I have scheduled high activity tasks for late morning to early afternoon and spend the morning with low activity tasks. I try to shower first thing, so I have a little help waking up. Nothing wakes me up like a glass of orange juice and a shower! My energy levels are still really struggling, but I am trying some of the suggestions. I am really enjoying the grazing thing! I am working on my attitude, but that is not just a daily struggle, it's an hourly, or even minute-ly battle. But my real struggle has been my words. Controling my speech, I am proud to say, is getting better, but still has a really long way to go. Even my closest friends may be surprised to know that I have a real struggle with profanity. And that is a habit that is hard to break. But my eyes are on my vision, and I am focusing on the baby steps that I achieve in order to keep moving forward! I hope this serves to help you out in recognizing that none of us are perfect. We just keep trying!! How are you doing? Leave me comments to let me know!

Todays topic in the book is a little sensitive, but I think Hannah addresses it tastefully and with understanding. The topic is sex. Now  I am not known for being shy when it comes to talking about sex, but I do recognize that others may be, and so I will try to reign in my enthusiasm! Hannah says that sex is a basic need that all of us have. But as women that can be hard to remember. After a full day of sweeping up Cheerios, trucking kids off to dance or soccer, dealing with homework, and fixing dinner, we are tired! The idea of donning a negligee and getting amorous is the furthest thing from our minds! However, it is necessary. Not only for keeping our husbands happy, (they ask so little) but for keeping us happy! I have alluded to various mental disorders that I suffer from, and I do take medication for said disorders. But I have found that after lovemaking I don't feel as much need for them. Not only do you need to have this pleasure in your life, but you deserve it!

One of the things that makes a healthy sex life hard is the lack of opportunity. I know that my husband and I have a very hrd time with this. To the point that we seem to only be able to "meet up" on his days off. The rest of the week we just get by with small touches in passing and kisses goodbye. But here are some suggestions that might help remedy that. One of which is grabbing quickies on the fly. Tell him you need him to check something in a private area of the house, and when you get him alone- attack! Not only are moments like this uplifting but they also create a certain intimacy between your spouse and yourself. I guarentee you you will never look at that room the same again! Also, be sure to schedule a date night once a week. This doesn't have to be a big dinner out, or a dress up affair. Just renting a fun movie to watch together after the kids are in bed is good enough. My husband and I sometimes get takeout and have a picnic in front of the tv. Feeding eachother and laughing together is great foreplay! Go to bed at the same time, and, instead of putting on regular pajamas, put on something silky or even get in bed nude. Husbands love to turn down the covers and see you lying in wait! Now morning sex is also really hard, as sometimes you both don't get up at the same time, but try it! It is a fantastic start to any day! Remember what your priorities are. You might feel more like watching television or catching up with friends on facebook, but isn't your time better spent enriching your relationship with your spouse instead?

Another obstacle you may be facing is a lack of drive. The first thing to do in this situation is to talk it over with your husband! Let him know that you are struggling and that it in no way has anything to do with him. Also, it is a good idea to clear your mind of everything else going on. As moms we have a million things on our mind all the time! But during times of togetherness just let all that go. Focus only on eachother and you'll be surprised at how much better everything else goes! Communicate your fantasies to him. Then, if possible, you can work together to mak them a reality!

The last main obstacle is a lack of confidence. Maybe you have put on a few pounds. Maybe you just feel frumpy. Maybe you think your breasts are too small, or your thighs too thick, or whatever it may be. But I'll tell you a secret. Psst: You care way more than he does!! All he cares about is getting to touch you. He doesn't care if there is a little extra jiggle. If you can overcome those little insecurities and give yourself without reservation, he'll be thanking his lucky stars to have married you! Another secret: Its all a matter of attitude! Sexual prowess comes not from appearance, but from confidence! Take little steps to show him the sexual kitten that hides inside you. Put on a touch of makeup before he gets home. A little mascara and some shiny lipgloss goes a long way to show him you made an effort. Remember when we took hours to get ready just to have him come over and hang out? Well, taking smaller steps can let him know you still care about that part of your life. Tousle your hair, put on his favorite perfume, try a shimmery body lotion. Small steps that help you feel sexier and therefore more willing to enjoy this pleasurable and fun part of life!

In your journal write down all the reasons you love your husband. Why you fell in love with him, and other things that you've discovered along the way! Thinking of all the positive attributes  he possesses makes it so much easier to get in the mood! Then think of some creative ways to put a little spice in your sex life! Do a striptease, play with food, or step into the shower with him when he doesn't expect it. and most of all, HAVE FUN!!

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