Quote of the day

Quote of the day~
" A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."
John Lubcock (English Astronomer)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day One-Get Ready, Get Set

Hi! I came across a book in the library one day, quite by accident, and wanted to share it with all my friends. It being September 1st I thought it is a great day for those of you who feel like me to start becoming a better mom! The book is called "Total Mom Makeover" and I am embarking on a journey. A journey to become the best mom I can be! Join me won't you?

So let's started!! Now, if your like me the first thing that happens when you say "I want to be a better mom", your mind starts saying, "I should do this. I could do that." Or "I would be doing that if only this..." So the first step is to write down all of these thoughts in a notebook that will from now on be your Better Mom Journal. I would post mine, but it is too long to get in one shot!! I'll just give a few examples to get your minds working. I should be better at my personal prayers. I should listen to my kids more. I should keep a cleaner house. I should eat better. I should exercise more. I should control my spending. I should be a better cook. My list goes on and on. So take some time to really think about all those things floating around in your head and get them down on paper. Once you do that, not only will you feel better, but you also now get to forget about it!!

Because your mind is now empty of all these things you "should be doing", you can now visualize what you REALLY want. This is hard. We as mom's almost never think about what we want. We are great at what we DON'T want. So, visualize what you look like, what you feel like, what your house looks like, how you are progressing spiritually. Picture every single detail. Then write down "I want to complete this mom makeover because..." and write down what your vision is. Some of my statements include; "I am a woman who doesn't allow all the garbage of life to clutter my mind and soul." "My time with my children is fun. We share a connection in which they are comfortable coming to me with their problems or doubts." "I am immovable and steadfast in my faith." I share these statements not to brag, because heaven knows I am not yet any of these things. I share them to get you thinking. I share them to hold myself accountable to not only myself, but to you as well. I have also posted a visual reminder I made for myself that reminds me of what my vision truly is. This would also be a good idea for you too! I used the Ensigns and Friends (LDS Magazines) for my spiritual goals.

Guys, this is something I am really committed to and even if you don't want to participate, I appreciate you reading. It will keep me on the right track. One of the goals in the book is to tell someone about it, because by sharing my decision I have taken a huge step in fulfilling it. Join me on this quest! Post below your commitment, and add your email address to recieve a post daily with new goals and action steps to take to get where your vision takes you!

A word of warning!! Once you decide to take steps toward becoming a better person, the world will fight you tooth and nail. But the more obstacles you overcome, the more skills you develop.


  1. Who is the author of the book? I really need to read it!! I want to join you in this journey! I'm glad Shelly told me about this blog!!!


  2. I would like to know the author too! But I will follow your blog as well. What a great journey to undertake. I'm so glad that I read Shelly's post on facebook so that I could work on being a better mother too! Heaven knows my kids need the best that I can give them!

