Quote of the day

Quote of the day~
" A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."
John Lubcock (English Astronomer)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day Nine- Building Structure

Today I wanted to focus on establishing a routine. If you have ever tried this before you know how difficult it is. Which is why I want to switch the word "routine" with "structure". To me it sounds a lot more flexible than routine. This just means that you have a rough idea of how things are going to go. That way when things come up, its a lot easier to go with the flow. I used to be a perfectionist mom. Everything had to go exactly the way I planned it, or I was not a happy camper. A very wise man once said to me, "Expectations are just resentments waiting to happen." So, lose the expectations! Start to enjoy life for all the surprises it throws at us. Learn to laugh at yourself, and those things that are out of your control. I know that there are plenty of times that we feel overwhelmed. My hope is that by implementing these steps into your days, that out of control feeling will dissipate. Especially after all the stuff I have thrown at you over the past couple of weeks.

First step is to set aside a couple of minutes before you go to bed to run a quick sweep of your home. Just straighten a bit so you wake up to a clean(er) house. Wipe counters, pick up trash and toys, and do anything else that needs tweaking. It doesn't need to be perfect, just good enough. This is going to be really hard for me at first. I look at what needs to be done, and am great at telling myself to leave it to tomorrow. So I make a pledge to you that tonight I will get up off the couch and straighten my house before bed. Then lay out the clothes and shoes you are going to wear the next day. Remember to "Dump the Frump" and make it something that makes you feel empowered. Maybe even throw in some jewelry. But also makes sure it is comfortable or you won't want to put it on. I tell myself that it is just as easy to put on flattering jeans as it is to put on sweat pants. They both go on one leg at a time! 

Now grab your planner. Glance through what you have scheduled for the next day and mentally and physically prepare yourself. Make sure that those actions planned are in line with your vision! Remind yourself of what that is. Read your journal entry or look at your collage. Every night remember what the ultimate goal is, and how good you will feel with every step you take toward that end. Also use this time to write down any other things that need done tomorrow. Make your "To Do" list. The general rule of thumb to help keep the anxiety from creeping up is to only let this list be 5 items long. And make your first item to do whatever it is you do for your spiritual health. And make number 2 to read in your journal and the blog. So that's only 3 more things to put on the list! The beauty of this is that even if you only get one thing done, that one thing is your communion with your Father in Heaven. And, that's the most important thing! If you only get 2 things done, you have taken time for god, and then for yourself! And your journal will push you to get going and finish the list!

In the morning make your structure to do #1 and #2 on you to do list. Make sure you pick a time in the morning that you can focus solely on yourself. If that means setting an alarm and getting up earlier, so be it. Aren't you worth it? Or pick a time when the kids are napping, or otherwise occupied. Just be sure to take time for yourself!! This will help put a positive perspective on the day. Before anyone gets up, get ready for the day. Get dressed, do your hair, put on a little makeup. You will not believe the head start this gives to your day.

Look at your planner and lists for today and refresh yourself on what needs to accomplished. Remember some of our action steps from day four. Make it fun! Piggyback your tasks! Reward yourself every step of the way!

With that out of the way, time to get specific. Today (or in the near future) let's take some action steps in each of the four areas we are continually working to get better. First: Home. Put together a playlist of all your favorite happy, bounce around, party songs and begin work on de-cluttering Zone 1. Use Action Step #2 and break it down into blocks and take baby steps. Today, mine is going to be my family room.

Second: Health. This is the week you start weeding out the seven toxic foods from your diet. Today your focus should be bad fats. Replace vegetable oil with canola or olive oil. Check the labels of your favorite snack food for bad fat content. And avoid anything deep fried, especially from fast food. Tomorrow focus on addictive substances, including sugar, salt, and caffiene. And so on, and so on. But remember to take it just little bits at a time.

Third: Family. Plan a weekend very soon for you and your husband to get away and reconnect. Or at least schedule a night all to yourselves. Send the kids to grandma's and just be together in an empty house. Go over the tips in day five to make yourself feel sexy, and also to remember what it was like when your husband couldn't keep his hands off you! ;0 Happy (and satisfied) couples are happy parents. Happy parents means happy kids!

And fourth: Life. Buy a good, comfortable pair of shoes. I found a pair in an Avon catalogue. They are on sale right now (I just checked) for only 19.99! They are supportive, comfy, and look cute with almost anything! Go to avon.com if you are interested. Just find something that works for you!

I have been feeling like I have been throwing a lot of stuff at you and you are probably feeling overwhelmed. So I hope that todays blog will help you in organizing your thoughts and in planning those baby steps that you want to take every day.  You are doing great! and Congratulations! According to Hannah's book, you are now a Basic Mom! This means you are one step closer to becoming the Total Mom! Tomorrow be prepared to become a Secure Mom.

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