Quote of the day

Quote of the day~
" A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."
John Lubcock (English Astronomer)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day Seven- Dump the Frump

Yesterday, I had a bad day. Woke up with a headache. Went back to bed after the kids went to school. Stayed in my sweats all day. Accomplished absolutely nothing. Even forgot to take my meds. So when I read todays chapter, I was feeling the guilt pretty hard. But then I realized that each and every day is a chance to start over. So I got in the shower, I put on clothes that are comfortable, yet stylish. I did my hair. I put on a little makeup. I took my dogs for a walk. I took my meds. I ate a decent breakfast. Today I will accomplish something.

In the book, Hannah talks about how we as moms tend to let ourselves go. Some of us don't get up and go to work in the morning, so it is tempting to just stay in our jammies all day. Whats the point getting all dressed up if all we are going to be doing is housework and chasing our kids all day. She says that just because we don't recieve a paycheck, doesn't mean we don't work! In fact, we have the most challenging, self-sacrificing, and rewarding job there is. If we have a regular nine-five job we get up, get dressed in nice clothes, put on makeup and go to work. What we have to do is get rid of this idea that we are "just moms". Make a conscious decision to make motherhood your career. Take pride in your work of running a good household. Sometimes we may be discouraged and start to think "What's the point?" Well, Hannah offers up five.

#1 Your self esteem. If you look frumpy, you feel frumpy and portray to others that you don't have a lot of respect for yourself, or what you do. Take pride in your life's work and show it in your appearance! We are raising the leaders of tomorrow!

#2 Your children. Our children are constantly watching us. They love us unconditionally. They emulate everything we do, good or bad. This love propels us to want to be the best mothers we can be. So what are they learning from the way we act and dress? My children have been through incredible things. A dad who was in Iraq for a year and a mother with undiagnosed bi-polar disorder during that time. It has forced them to grow up way before their time, and made them very used to seeing me in my pajama's all day. In fact, if I did get dressed they asked where we were going. That was the only reason to get dressed. I had no self respect. I cared about nothing. Since my diagnosis and treatment, however, I have found it again. And I am trying really hard to make up for all those years that I wasn't there for them. If my appearance will help them see that, it is worth it.

#3 Your husband. He tends to get the short end of the stick when it comes to your appearance. Now, he loves you and says that he doesn't care what you look like, but how do you think he feels coming home to a harried, disheveled woman every night. "It's not sexist to want to look good for your husband. Its considerate." says Hannah. Wouldn't we start to lose respect for our husbands if he hung around in pajamas all day, unshaven and stinky? Keep the home fires burning by making a little effort every day!

#4 Your career. We have chosen to be mothers as our full time jobs. On behalf of all moms everywhere, let's show the world that we respect what we have chosen to do.

#5 Your motivation. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you accomplish a lot more. When you accomplish a lot, you feel even better and it motivates you to keep it up! Heaven knows we could use all the motivation we can get! I know we all have those days when motivation seems miles away. So if we aren't feeling it, fake it! Our brains don't know how to feel until we tell it. So tell it you feel great by dressing and acting the part, and eventually you will!

Now, go through your wardrobe and take out anything that doesn't make you feel energized. Write in your journal what you need to complete your wardrobe. Every mom needs some good shoes that are comfortable yet stylish. Ditch your "mom jeans" for jeans that flatter your figure and make you feel sexy. Find some cute skirts that are easy to move in, but show off your legs as well. Have some nice khakis, capris, and shorts. Toss those baggy t-shirts for some that are flirty and fitted to your body type. Have cute jackets that are easy to throw on, yet pull your outfit together nicely. Sell or donate the old stuff and use the money to go out and get these new essentials to your wardrobe. Shop second hand or discount stores to save even more money! You'd be amazed at how cute you can look in clothes from Wal-mart! Before you go to bed at night, lay out the clothes you are going to wear tomorrow. Maybe choose some jewelry to go with it. Straighten the bathroom so that in the morning you can look at yourself in a clean mirror.

Empower yourself by taking the time to look good. For the world, your kids, your husband, and most importantly, yourself! Dressing feminine is a sign of strength. Beauty is strength. And I know you are a strong woman!

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